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RAE Health team member Dr. Stephanie Careiro sits down with the Scope of Practice podcast to discuss the work in the development of the RAE Health system, which helps track cravings and stress for individuals in recovery to inform treatment and recovery services and produce better client outcomes.
Scope of Practice is a podcast featuring conversations with subject matter experts, journalists, individuals in recovery, practitioners, educators, and others with a direct connection to the field of addiction recovery. Steam online or on Spotify, Amazon Music, and the Podbean App.
December 6, 2022; Scope Of Practice Podcast
August 25, 2021; PRNewswire.com
August 18, 2021; GadgetsAndWearables.com
2016—Mixed Method Pilot study conducted in conjunction with UMASS, UTTyler, and Aware Recovery Care
August 2017—Patent Issued: "System and method for detection of cravings in individuals with addiction”, US10478066B2
May 2019— $1.7 MM SBIR Award, Phase I and Phase II Fast Track Grant from NIH
October 2019—Featured Speaker at Milken Institute Future of Health Summit
March 2020—White paper published, Drug and Alcohol Dependence Journal, "Wearable sensor-based detection of stress and craving in patients during treatment for substance use disorder: A mixed methods pilot study" https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0376871620300946
February 2021—White paper published, Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Science, "Realize, Analyze, Engage (RAE): A Digital Tool To Support Recovery from Substance Use Disorder" https://jpbs.hapres.com/htmls/JPBS_1370_Detail.html